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Porridge is a simple, cost effective and filling breakfast. What's more is that oats are high in beta glucan, a form of soluble fiber that is good for your gut health and cholesterol. Top tip: Look for steel cut oats also known as Scottish or Irish Oats as these are less processed and always aim to add a protein source to keep you satisfied for longer..
50g Oats
300ml Milk of your choice
Fruit of your choice.
Nuts/Seeds/Nut Butter
On a medium heat, mix the oats and milk together.
Bring to a simmer and stir until this mixture thickens to a creamy consistency.
Serve topped with nuts and seeds or a tsp of nut butter and a portion of fruit.
I like to add stewed apples, walnuts and a pinch of cinnamon to my porridge in the morning but the fun is experimenting and finding your own flavours
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